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It has been proven that fast financial returns are possible with GPS technology in agriculture. Over the years our customers have consistently told us that the BlackBox can pay for itself within a short period of time, in some case within the first year, even on small farms.

This allows for future savings to be added to bottom line, making you more profitable, allowing you to make more money without radically changing the way you work.

All of our products are highly portable which enables the transfer from vehicle to vehicle to be possible within 10 minutes. Utilising the BlackBox all year around reduces the time to recuperate your costs.

Up to 15% savings on fuel, time and input costs can easily be achieved with a basic guidance system, with more savings possible with other products in the range through: spreader control, sprayer section control and variable rate applications. The savings to your business can be significant even with small acreage.

With the BlackBox range starting from £1,050, start making savings today.

"I find the BlackBox System invaluable when moving and tedding, reducing passes and allowing more ground in every pass. The savings in fuel, time and labour are evident."


Dan Ward

"Using the BlackBox we’re saving 10-15% on fuel, inputs and labour."


Matthew Roberts

"I’m convinced the savings on materials and the extra profit from a stronger yield will pay for the cost of the system this year. That means extra profit each year going forward."

Christopher Glenn

for Guidance and Recording

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for Guidance, Recording
and Control

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