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Software Modules

Data Management (7 day free trial)
Transfer data to and from BlackBox devices.
Add, edit or remove Farm and Field Names.
Automatically organise data by Farm/Field name.
Visualise recorded data and field boundary maps, overlaid on satellite imagery.
Data Management (Basic)
Includes all the (Free) features.
Organise Farm/Field data under multiple Customer names.
Build printable reports for completed jobs and boundary maps.
Real-time Tracking of BlackBox devices.
Job planning.
Create field area boundary maps on the PC.

Variable Rate pH Mapping
Import Patchwork FieldNote sample plans or enter pH values manually.
Build Variable Rate Lime Application Maps.
Visualise pH sample and recommendation maps, overlaid on satellite imagery.
Build printable pH and Lime Map reports.
Sync Variable Rate Maps seamlessly to your BlackBox Device.

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