Have you had your Grant Approved?
You can use it to purchase one of our proven cost saving products.
Patchwork Technology has a range of Precision Farming products that are eligible for R2-SG76, SG40 and SG 42 of the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme Round 2.
R2-SG76 is also available for Android systems like the BlackBox, so don’t hesitate call us now on 01291 673366 to find out more.
The following items meet the specification for these categories:-
R2-SG76 – GPS Light Bar
GPS guidance system using light bar to aid guidance. Linked to smart phone or tablet to create, recognise and load field boundary information. Provide field boundary measurements. It must have a minimum capability of straight and curved guidance modes. With pass to pass accuracy of 20cm or greater
SG40 – GPS linked to auto steer and implement control
A standalone GPS unit with automatic field boundary measurement and field recognition. It must have a minimum capability of straight and curved guidance modes and be capable of linking to implement control and auto steer.
SG42 - Variable Rate Controller for sprayers and fertiliser spreaders
An electronic device to connect to an existing sprayer or fertiliser spreader for the purposes of variable rate application. The regulation system will work from either a pressure or a flow sensor and provide sectional control.
More information about the Grant Scheme can be found here.